A guy and a gal oblivious to each other

This is a recent photo, taken on August 15th, 2019. I’m pleased with the interaction of the guy’s horizontal stripes and the gal’s vertical ones. Another thing that pleases me is the little dialog between the tabletop fan an the wheel on the passing SUV.

iPhone XS

Back dual camera

ISO 125 6mm f/2.4 1/110 sec

Here are a few out-takes from the same series of shots. I fully confess to a spray ‘n’ pray approach when random passerby are an element of the composition. It’s a luxury of NYC—the background and foreground are constantly shifting with the traffic on the sidewalk and the street. The photos below are shown without any Lightroom futzing.

iPhone XS

Back dual camera

ISO 125 6mm f/2.4 1/80 sec

iPhone XS

Back dual camera

ISO 125 6mm f/2.4 1/120 sec