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Today we’re taking a break from 23rd Street and puddles and presenting a couple of photos that were actually taken today. Thrills! Today, T Pain was in Brooklyn’s 7th Avenue station with the rest of us morning commuters, at 8:23am.

IPhone 6s

Back dual camera 4.25mm

ISO 200 4.25mm f/1.8 1/60 sec

And, despite the demands of my new day gig, I was able to snap a nice reflection on East 40th Street, in one of the many public pedestrian plazas in the area. This was shot at 12:14pm while I was eating 2 sandwiches. I tend to get hungry early. I zoomed in a lot—apparently 6mm is the equivalent to a longish telephoto when using the iPhone—but I sort of like the resulting compression distortion and lowish resolution. Also, I did not have to disturb anyone.

IPhone 6s

Back dual camera 4.25mm

ISO 50 6mm f/2.4 1/122 sec

Her'e’s an alternate version that really captures the compression distortion of the telephoto. The woman with the crutch was about halfway between me and the reflections of the duplicated phone woman. This alternate version is also presented without any Lightroom futzing.

IPhone 6s

Back dual camera 6mm

ISO 50 6mm f/2.4 1/122 sec