Downward-facing dog/Upward facing reflected Met Life Tower

Until recently, I was “between jobs” and free to wander about Madison Square Park in the afternoon at my leisure, worrying about my self worth and my family’s future. This photo is from those brief anxious weeks that, in retrospect, I wish I had enjoyed a bit more. The date was August 15, 2019, at around 4pm. As this photo demonstrates, it was a good time for reflection. If memory serves, I was also carrying my analog “kit,” however, the rolls of Portra 400 still sit on my desk, undeveloped. So at some future date, I hope to post a film version of this scene. Yes this photo has been vertically flipped.

iPhone XS

Back dual camera

ISO 50 4.25mm f/1.8 1/120 sec

Here’s an unflipped version, with a little more of the surrounding context. Or is it just clutter? Unlike the photo above, this one is untouched in Lightroom. There’s that pesky dog again.

iPhone XS

Back dual camera

ISO 32 4.25mm f/1.8 1/120 sec